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Working professionals with a desire to change their careers or jobs because

● Burnout from overwork or bad work life balance

● Thinking about going to work causes stress or anxiety

● A need for more family or social time

● Under recognition for your efforts

● Outgrown your position or teammates

● Striving for more challenges

● Stuck in harmful physical or emotional environment

● Navigating office politics and toxic individuals

● Your work brings No joy or fulfillment

● Need a clean break from negative situation but still love your work

What does it look like
to you…?

● A different field?

● A different company but the same industry?

● Different position at same company

● A pause to reconnect with what is important to you?

● Finding ways for more joy and play to your current situation?

● Going back to school?

How can Sam collaborate with me….?

● Reconnect why you are working in your current career path to find fulfillment

● Futuring visioning of potential career paths

● Expanding your options - removing the black & white binary mindset

● Asking powerful questions like…

● What would a fulfilling career look like? Feel like? feel fulfilled in their career.

Career Niche other ideas for email or giveaways

  • Bring play into the workplace
  • Chronic Overthinker?
  • Broaden and build Grow your skills / education
  • Be a better mentor / manager / teammate
  • Stressed over work
  • Knowing when to move on vs improving current situation

How can I assist IBD or IBS sufferers? Having Crohns disease myself since 2004 (in remission since 2017 thankfully) I truly wish I had a Coach in my corner, having an empathic nonjudgmental understanding of my daily struggles, lifting me in the tough times, celebrating the good and connecting the dots between your treatment team, diet, stress, etc, allowing you to flourish and feel good in your body. No need to suffer in silence with me at your side.

How does Sam answer client pain points?

● Use my health crisis to heal your body

● Cut down the healing time / flare time / occurrences

● show up confidently in your life without bloating, cramps, or abdominal discomfort

Here are some areas of the diseases or life I can help you

● Chronic Disease Symptom Management

● Treatment Regimen Upkeep

● Build your medical support team (PCP, specialists, dietician, talk therapy, etc)

● Pre and Post Surgery Support

● Identify assistance possibilities (groups, specialists, financial)

● Identify Flare Triggering Events or Foods and developing mitigation techniques

● Stress / Mental Well Being

● Emotional Well Being

● Sleep Hygiene

● Diet / Nutrition

● Exercise / Fitness

● Energy Levels

● Build Self Confidence and Self Awareness

● Social or Community Well being

● Spiritual Well Being

● Independence from External Pressures

Strengths to describe Coach Sam

● Time to refine

● Discover gratitude in your body

● fulfillment through challenge

● No fulfillment in comfort

● Life moves

● Adapt and overcome

● Achievement through adversity

● You are the hero of your story

● Do not suffer in silence

● Follow your intuition - Trust in GUT Coaching

● Responsible Risk

● There is pain in change

● Remove Freedom of Failure

● Stuck in the Suck?

● Positivity begets more Positivity

● Help humanity at large through one person at a time

● Break the narrative OR You are the author of your story break the narrative

● Pay your future self back by starting now

● Knowledge from (my) pain OR Knowledge through pain

● Turn your vision into action

● Bounce back better

● Excitement for the unknown

● You construct your purpose it is not predestined

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